Bedlington Terrier Rescue

The express purpose of Bedlington Terrier Rescue is to act as the voice for the individual Bedlington Terrier who may, for whatever reason, need an advocate to act in their best interest.

Bedlington Terrier rescue programs rescue stray, abandoned, relinquished and/or impounded Bedlington Terriers.  In some instances Bedlington Terrier rescue provides foster care, with the eventual goal being the adoption/placement of the rescued animal.  All dogs are spayed/neutered prior to placement.

Bedlington Terrier Rescue programs rely upon donations for support.  When a dog is placed with a family, an adoption fee and donation is oftentimes requested in order to help with various expenses the dog may have incurred while in the care of Bedlington Rescue.  Additional donations by individuals are greatly appreciated.

Bedlington Terrier Rescue always needs loving people willing to provide foster care, perform pickup and delivery duties and act as responsible community advocates for Bedlington Terriers.

For more information on Bedlington Terrier rescue contact the Bedlington Terrier Wellness and Rescue Association (BTWRA).  Donations can be made payable to the BTWRA and mailed to Linda Freeman.  Please email Linda for information on where to send your donation: