
Agility requires a dog and handler to coordinate their communication in order to run an obstacle course involving jumps, weave poles, tunnels, A-frames, dog walks, teeters and tables.

Scoring is based on both speed and accuracy.  Errors are called “faults” and result in points being subtracted from the final score.

Dogs must receive three “legs” to earn a title.  A “leg” is a qualifying score earned when running a course at a trial.  Any dog 15 months or older and in good health can compete.  Basic obedience training is a prerequisite.  All you need then is to sign up for class and have fun!

Titles can be earned at the Novice, Intermediate (Open), and Advanced (Excellent) levels. Titles can also be earned for different types of courses (such as full course, jumpers, games).

Faults can include going off course (such as doing the obstacles in the wrong order), missing the safety zone on an obstacle, running overtime, or knocking over a bar. Bedlington Terriers compete with other breeds who are in the same size category.